Friday, May 14, 2010

sea ya!

the wdb soon will have all 18 feet on land again. we've only heard from georgie & pop a handful of times - allegedly it's "really expensive" or "coverage is bad" - but clearly they're surviving in the absence of offspring induced commotion. it appears pop even made a couple new friends...

fi & i have successfully parented without their a-sittin'-stance for 7 consecutive days. big deal for mimi, not so much for her super momma sista...who gets major props for feeding us at least two delicious home cooked meals this week.

best of all, i have black & white proof that the cruisers are rested and ready to take on some grandchirren watchin'...particularly during an upcoming wdb getaway:

soooo...mimi is busy configuring an extensive spa schedule to follow during said vacay. i'll book double, fi ;)

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