someone please essplain how three years have already passed since precious boo boo made his grand entry into the
wdb? time sure flies when you're having fun jumping on furniture, trading action figures,
running in georgie's house, taking ridonkulously long bubble
splashes baths, hiding under beds, eating 547832906473290 orders of
fries, moonwalking, saying "cheeeeeeeeeese" for the mimi-razzi, sharing stickers, misbehaving in restaurants, shaking booties, suiting up as
iron man & other supers, and giving lots and lots and lots and LOTS of hugs & high fives!!!
today rocked in an "amazing race: birthday edition" kinda way...see for your "selp"...
birfday recess at smelc |
the birfday princess sister |
bff. "him share." |
shenanigans with sissy |
i wish mimi would win the lottery. wait, huh?! |
presh. |
school down, one to geaux. next stop: aes for operation "prise" henro & check him out for the rest of the day...twas french fries & fun to be had at the mall!!!
"suh prise!!!!" |
a truck full o' monkeys cuties & carseats. so fun :) |
birfday cuz. |
 | |
build-a-bear or bust. |
i heart these two. |
ta dah! the force is with us, complete with the starwars theme song
playing over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over... |
"and for my ness birfday i want..." seriously. talking 'bout next year already. |
mimi loves boo boo big as the sky & way beyond
a galaxy that's far, FAAAAAAAR away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
time for a little birfday siesta. next up: the princess' first. i imagine we'll celebrate, maybe just a little. stay tuned...and brace your "selp"...
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