Sunday, September 19, 2010

cinco de henro

seems it was just a few blinks ago when i was freaking out about possibly going into labor in the midst of hurricane rita and the anesthesiologist not making it to w&c to administer a heaping dose o' wonder drugs...yet here we are several years later!  although his official bday isn't until the 21st, today we celebrated henro surviving five years in my care.  quite a feat and - in true form - backed by the fact that "mom o' the year" almost missed the party altogether thanks to a fantabulously timed migraine.

this year's party was extra special because we joined forces with our best bud, boo boo, and celebrated their birthdays together!  it was a great day...
three and five, almost.
the princess of everything & utmost cuteness.  seriously.

my reason for being.
precious party peeps
wishing for 768290567489 new toys
singing to boo boo.  i'm guessing henro was a bit off key?
ma wish for that spiderman present.
how 'bout some cake to go with dat icing?!?
henro's brother from another mother.  we love him BIG!
winding down the par-tay
the end...'til i upload pics from my phone :)


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