Thursday, September 30, 2010

bear with us

boo boo's precious preschool has a fantabulous tradition of organizing a teddy bear parade for the three year olds.  of course, mimi attended...after all, mimi had taken over stuck herself all up in the middle of yesterday's float building & decorating (shocking, i know).  everything about the event rocketed rocked, especially getting to spend a little extra time with some of my most favorite peeps!

love him.
meet "trey" boo's 3rd birfday build-a-bear creation
boo boo's mom n'em
cruising the parade route
(cue iconic theme song)
"seriously?  enough of y'all & pitchers"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


someone please essplain how three years have already passed since precious boo boo made his grand entry into the wdb?  time sure flies when you're having fun jumping on furniture, trading action figures, running in georgie's house, taking ridonkulously long bubble splashes baths, hiding under beds, eating 547832906473290 orders of fries, moonwalking, saying "cheeeeeeeeeese" for the mimi-razzi, sharing stickers, misbehaving in restaurants, shaking booties, suiting up as iron man & other supers, and giving lots and lots and lots and LOTS of hugs & high fives!!!

today rocked in an "amazing race: birthday edition" kinda way...see for your "selp"...

birfday recess at smelc
the birfday princess sister
bff.  "him share."
shenanigans with sissy
i wish mimi would win the lottery.  wait, huh?!
one school down, one to geaux.  next stop:  aes for operation "prise" henro & check him out for the rest of the day...twas french fries & fun to be had at the mall!!!  

"suh prise!!!!"
a truck full o' monkeys cuties & carseats.  so fun :)
birfday cuz.
build-a-bear or bust.
i heart these two.
ta dah!  the force is with us, complete with the starwars theme song
playing over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over...
"and for my ness birfday i want..."  seriously.  talking 'bout next year already.
mimi loves boo boo big as the sky & way beyond
a galaxy that's far, FAAAAAAAR away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time for a little birfday siesta.  next up:  the princess' first.  i imagine we'll celebrate, maybe just a little.  stay tuned...and brace your "selp"...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

gimme five

i heart birfdays & love to keep the good times rolling for as long as possible.  accordingly, we didn't stop partying for henro's 5th with the jumpzone shindig, as it merely jump started (pun absolutely intended) a super fantabulous, fun filled week!

good morning, sunshine!  how does it feel to be FIVE?!?!
(kitkats on his plate at 7:30ish o' year, remember?!)
the force is wiff lots of tiny pieces, assembly required.
alright kiddo...get dressed & wash down those kitkats with some choc malted milk.  time for school & more "all about henro" day (wait...isn't that EVERY day?!)

very special lunch guest
cutie patooties, as mrs leeper calls 'em :)
"ready for my cupcake, mimi!!!"
boo boo fit right in with the pk4 crowd...
he found a place on the rug...
and even got in on some super secret scoop...huh?
his wish list is getting so ridonkulously long
"say FI!!!!!!!!!"
fanks for letting us take over this afternoon, mrs leeper & mr blake!!
the free amigos.
simmer down, boo boo.  your day is coming.
oh, how i LOVE this kid!!  wouldn't trade him for anything...not
even to run off with kenny chesney.  that's huge, people.  HUGE.
but that's not all, folks...there's more presents & more eating & more celebrating...wdb style.  stay tuned.

my world

happy 5th birthday to the most cherished blessing in my life.  i love you, the moon & back...72896072389607289367 times infinity.  you are my everything.  not that proof is necessary, but i heart u so much that i voluntarily posted a pic of myself 40 weeks preggo (i'm already regretting said photo sharing decision, and i've not even published this post yet.  ugh lol)

nonetheless...a stroll down henry lane.  2010 birfday edition:

09.20.05...W&C bound, looking FANTABULOUS and
surprisingly cool, calm, collected & nice.  crazy shocking, i know.
09.21.05...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HENRO...bruises & all!
it "only" took 4 hrs & 14 min of "and..1, 2, 3, 4..." for
me to figure out i was no longer running the show :)
blinked my eyes & he was ONE...and all about being #1!
then - i swear - a week later he turned TWO...
and a tad bit obsessed with blue & her clues.
"free" came awfully fast, yet equally cute :)
four was hot diggety doggone GREAT!
what a ride it's been!  five years have flown by way, way, WAAAAAAAAAAAY too fast.  what's the hurry, boy?!   slow it down.  please.  there's lots more crazy in store for us while you're little ;)

stay tuned for details from the little monster's angel's big day...

Monday, September 20, 2010


twas the night before christmas henro's birthday, and all "frew" the house the creature was stirring & wanting transformer cupcakes for school...
sir mix-a-lot
best part of baking
intermission.  time out.  whatever.  bath break.
meticulously placing bumblebee & optimus prime.
ta dah!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, September 19, 2010

cinco de henro

seems it was just a few blinks ago when i was freaking out about possibly going into labor in the midst of hurricane rita and the anesthesiologist not making it to w&c to administer a heaping dose o' wonder drugs...yet here we are several years later!  although his official bday isn't until the 21st, today we celebrated henro surviving five years in my care.  quite a feat and - in true form - backed by the fact that "mom o' the year" almost missed the party altogether thanks to a fantabulously timed migraine.

this year's party was extra special because we joined forces with our best bud, boo boo, and celebrated their birthdays together!  it was a great day...
three and five, almost.
the princess of everything & utmost cuteness.  seriously.

my reason for being.
precious party peeps
wishing for 768290567489 new toys
singing to boo boo.  i'm guessing henro was a bit off key?
ma wish for that spiderman present.
how 'bout some cake to go with dat icing?!?
henro's brother from another mother.  we love him BIG!
winding down the par-tay
the end...'til i upload pics from my phone :)