i've been wingin' it with this blogging thing for almost six weeks now, and aside from a few sweet friends, ain't nobody leaving any comments! is it that bad? that good? ridonkulously useless? totes mind blowing & inspirational? (lol)
speak up, peeps (or just anonimously check one of the reaction boxes). i can handle the troof, as long as it's nice. just kiddin' :)
It is pretty normal. A lot of "lurkers" are afraid to leave comments. My problem is that (90% of the time) I read them through my reader on my iPhone. Can't leave comments that way.
Though, your blog and another one I follow, sometimes not all of your post comes through my feed. I have to actually go to your blog to read the entire thing and see the pictures. I can't figure out why.
Do you have sitemeter? It is a free service that will tell you how many hits your blog has, the location of the visitor, and how long they were on your page. There is also a "referral" link that will tell you how people found your blog (via google, directly typing in your webpage, or another blog).
You can email me if you have any blogging questions. I have been doing this for almost 3 years now. It is very fun and my therapy!
Love your blog and Henro's stories. He is precious!
Blair (a friend of Fi's via our Supper Club)
yay!!! thanks so much, blair! i'm still learning...got site meter, juet haven't dug very deep into it. also added the "funny"..."interesting"..."cool" checkboxes to my posts so peeps can anonymously (albeit NICELY, lol!) react :)
I read your blog regularly, and am enjoying it very much. I've had a blog for five years, but it's been sadly neglected lately. I think all the Twitter posting has sapped my writing ideas.
thx, alana! it's been great reconnecting with you :)
Hey Emily,
As you already know I am a fan of your blog. I laugh every time I read one of them and they make me smile. Please don't quit. Not sure if you were thinking about doing that anyway. Always have to see a link on Facebook though. Don't know another way to find it.
no plans to stop any time soon...as long as the lil prince continues providing material, i'll keep posting (it's my therapy!!!) :)
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