lately i've been asked about the black band i wear on my right arm. several of you are already familiar with it. for those of you who aren't, it's a cancer awareness bracelet. well, it's that and so much more. the bands were distributed to guests at a fundraising banquet this past fall in honor of blaine duhon, who at the time was undergoing treatment at md anderson and unable to attend the incredibly touching event organized by several very special people. the bracelets were a gift from him and his parents, specially made with careful thought: black to represent melanoma, imprinted with the words "survIve CANcer" and "BTD w/ + btd"...which represent "I CAN survive cancer" and "Blaine Thomas Duhon, with Christ, will beat the disease"
sadly, blaine lost his battle in january, but not without engaging in the most amazingly remarkable fight and demonstration of faith. by word & example & simply being "blaine," he taught invaluable lessons to countless individuals - whether lifelong friends & family, casual acquaintances, or one of the MANY new lives he touched after somehow connecting during his journey. i fall within the "acquaintances" category, as i was never close friends with blaine, but was raised in a parallel world & we shared many mutual friends throughout the years. nevertheless, i was completely overcome with passion for his cause and the struggles along the way, not because we were both ccs tigers, stm cougars, or friends with the guy once known as "lil brett," but because blaine was an only child. an only son. just like my henro.
my absolute biggest fear is losing my child. i've had to witness it as reality for too many family members & friends, and wouldn't wish that terrifying struggle on the devil himself. it is devastating. miserable. gut wrenching. as i followed & became engaged in blaine's story, i quickly came to realize it was not only his journey, but that of so many, particularly his dear parents. my heart ached terribly for them as i imagined being in their shoes. in a sense, blaine had the "easy" part...not that anything he went through was easy...but he has moved on to a place of peace, happiness, and everlasting comfort. mr tommy & ms clarecia, on the other hand, have been stricken with a pain no medical treatment can cure. only faith & time & love will help them carry on.
my absolute biggest fear is losing my child. i've had to witness it as reality for too many family members & friends, and wouldn't wish that terrifying struggle on the devil himself. it is devastating. miserable. gut wrenching. as i followed & became engaged in blaine's story, i quickly came to realize it was not only his journey, but that of so many, particularly his dear parents. my heart ached terribly for them as i imagined being in their shoes. in a sense, blaine had the "easy" part...not that anything he went through was easy...but he has moved on to a place of peace, happiness, and everlasting comfort. mr tommy & ms clarecia, on the other hand, have been stricken with a pain no medical treatment can cure. only faith & time & love will help them carry on.
in blaine's memory & his parents' honor, i continue wearing my bracelet 24/7. it's been to super target, countless playdates at the chick, mardi gras balls, rhythms on the river, pilates class, cc's drivethru and everywhere else life takes me. it doesn't always match my outfit & it's ridiculously stretched out, but i'm not ready to take it off...i need it to help keep me in check during those days and moments when momma's patience is short and henro's energy & volume are sky high. it serves as a visible reminder of how very, very blessed i am to have such a happy, healthy, vivacious little cherish & savor every tiny bit of life as his mom...and it's not the end of the world if he breaks a bowl or the sound barrier :)
What a poignant post Em.
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