Monday, May 31, 2010

boot scootin'

bayou country superfest was super duper, amazingly incredible!

i have very few photos from kenny's show that are worth sharing...twas rather difficult snapping pics while trying to dance, sing, juggle my phone & keep from spilling the beer in my other hand.  as usual, my man was AMAZING!  he shared the stage with the lombardi trophy & a few special guests (uncle kracker, les miles & sean payton) made appearances during his performance.  what a GREAT night!!

best thing about the weekend:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

kellie & keith & taylor, oh my!

day one of bayou fest was fantabulous!

we laughed at ourselves early on, as grown, semi-responsible adults should know better than to stand out in the rain...on metal flooring...but we didn't melt nor get struck by any bolts from above, and the sun came out just in time for miss pickler. didn't hurt that refreshments were plentiful & easily accessible.

additionally, mimi now has a new obsession - not quite as ridonkulous as that of KC - but ahh looooooove keith & the fact that he played wearing an lsu tee...

we're about to embark on day two. stay tuned for pics of our dancing beer guy and the ronnie dunn look alike dude.  oh, and kenny details...whose people are staying in our hotel...last night we rode an elevator & had a brief conversation with kenny's right hand man, tambo. oh em gee, huh?!? :)

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Saturday, May 29, 2010


mimi & fi are heading east for a couple days.  in case of emergency, please dial 911 or georgie, as we will be very, very busy...
yeeeeee haw!

ps.  if you happen to run into henro while we're away, please don't tell him we're gonna be rockin' with you-know-who tomorrow night.  fanks!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

the count

as we prepared to depart the hotel wednesday afternoon, i brought henro to the gift shop to pick out a souvenir (aka: behavior bribe for the journey home). the process for choosing his treasure took way too long & entirely too much negotiating, but we eventually agreed upon a "prize" and headed to the checkout counter.

while paying for the newest addition to our collection of magnetic character scene sets with gazillions of pieces, the nice lady behind the register tried making conversation with the little traveller...

what's your name?  "henry"

how old are you?  "four"

when are you gonna turn 5?  "after four"

cue lmao.
fourth birthday
("after three" 2009)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


despite the strep throat & rain, it was a grand vacation for the wdb...

to the west we geaux...

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Monday, May 24, 2010

slip slidin away

henro did this at least 26337689863467875347 times today:

the end result:

cha ching!

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life is grand

we interrupt our regularly scheduled ruckous for a much needed getaway. somehow the munchkins found us, so it's not quite the perfect vacay, but we're going with it...

so far, so good.  minimal meltdowns.  marginally good behavior at meals.  bribes a plenty.  stay tuned.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

priceless peace

earlier i tucked my sleeping little in bed following a good night, a super great behavior-a-thon of epic proportions. WOW.

of course, i've now likely jinxed myself for tomorrow, but i'll take it.  tonight was just too, too, too dinner negotiations, no hunting & chasing a violently opposed rugrat at bath time, and no breaking of the sound barrier.  he even sat still on his own accord...for at least 30 minutes...and unleashed a little henro matisse with his do-a-dot supplies...

"iss a masterpiece."

"this stuff iss made from chalk & milk."

"i made some good art, huh? these gonna go in a art museum."

please pray that i survive whatever storm is waiting in the wings following tonight's calm.  fanks.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

party girl

ami texted this pic to mimi at 10:45pm.  par-tay at the hugg's!

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mom'ry lane

you-know-who & his sidekick are staying over with geogie & pop tonight - bless their souls.  accordingly, the volume is much lower in my environment, and i have full control over tv (yay!!!).  as i catch up with my friend DVR, i thought i'd take a little stroll down memory lane.  the following were "pre-blog" facebook posts of mine, and date back to april 1.  fool's day.  kinda appropriate, huh?
  • the little punk is "very more tired."  ummm, yeah. been there 4.5+ years.
  • we're occupying one cushion on the "3 cushion" couch, BUT i'm lovin' some cuddle time :)
  • watching henro sweep the garage. he is sooooo georgie's grandson!
  • who the hay debates bath time with a 4 year old at 9:56pm on a friday nite?  (i do! i do!  ugh...)
  • two couches, three chairs, an ottomon, and plenty floor space, yet he insists on sharing my favorite perch.  love him, just wish he didn't feel like my conjoined twin at the moment.
  • just had an "omg, i'm somebody's mom!" moment.  completely random, out o' the blue.
  • o' the year qualification #578290436890478920: we've almost mastered a mother/son duet to "gold digger"...henro's got jamie's part down, but my kanye still needs some work.
  • my poor sweet boy & our bipolar music selections..."is this k-bon?" no, boo, it's kanye. 
(yes, we've been on a bit of a kanye kick)
  • "but how you get that pitcher on there?"  volunteers to essplain to henro how pictures of our friends & family are online???  preferably without planting any seeds that might lead him towards figuring out how to post pics hisself.  fanks.
  • (mimi) is spent.  lil punk is full throttle and anti quiet, anti bath, anti shirt, anti supper...he's basically pro "let's push momma right to the edge." good times.
  • (mimi) is being showered with kisses, cuddles and "you're the best mommy i ever had"...better brace myself for the flipside of said actions.  i heart my little eddie haskell.
  • "ma dont want ma wanna wear ma feet" boo's response when i told him to put on his crocs before going outside.
  • "hey, mom, u know what i just heard on boo boo's radio? burger king has, um, burger king has sandwiches now." good to know.
  • (mimi) is bananas exhausted, hopefully not to the point that i can't sleep.  HATE when that happens.  a normal person would've gone to bed by now.  i'm getting you-know-who out of the tub.  mom o' the...decade?!? (posted at 10:32pm)
  • "look mom, his BUTT moves"...referring to his phineas action figure.  fantabulous broadening of our vocabulary.
  • ...watching the squeakquel and eating power pellets with the boss.  life is good and we're having a great day...moderate amount of talking & questions, overall good behavior & few (if any) shenanigans.  and i probably just jinxed myself for the evening portion of today's show.  stay tuned.
  • i love dem saints, but realize there must come a time when a 35 year old mother stops using "stand up & get crunk" as her ringtone.  off to remedy DAT...
  • just finished a good tub soakin'...unlocked & opened the door to find jabberjaws sprawled on the floor right outside the bathroom.  "oh, i was just talking about you."  after the day we've had, i'm soooo not surprised.  record day o'talking. 
  • "is boo boo gonna come over? how bout u send fi a text message or somefing?"
  • "i will kiss you and i will hug you and i will never let you go." atta boy.
  • ...allowed m&m's for breakfast. shocker, i know.
  • ...thought about making the "I'm preggers" announcement today, but you fools are much too smart to fall for that. (april 1, 2010)

always on my mind

hands down, one of my all time favorite henro videos. pop gets credit for the kiddo's initial exposure to willie.

pride in the ride

a friend shared this last week & i'm still laughing about it. ridonkulously hilarious. however, mimi's still not quite convinced to give up the SUV and venture to the dark side...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the end

shout out to boo boo for completing his first year of "cool" at st mary's...

mimi is so proud of you!

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Monday, May 17, 2010


henro's been on a superhero kick for a while and has accumulated quite a collection of action figures, tees, dvd's, undies, coloring books, fruit snacks, swim gear, etc. if it's got spidey, batman, iron man, wolverine, the hulk (aka "honk" to boo boo), or any of the justice league on or associated with it...we've got it.

accordingly, this came as no surprise: "you know what i wanna be when i grow up? ... do they have a spiderman in this town? ... well, i'm gonna be him."
but then there was today's declaration: "i wanna be right to a college or school."

on one hand, lots of money will be saved on tuition expenses. on the other, very little money will be earned & saved to fund supermom's nursing home expenses in a few years.  awesome.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

they're baaaaaaack

...and, of course, they were bearing gifts for the rugrats.  nice, tasteful, souvenirs for their angellic grandsons to cavort about in.  exhibit a:

welcome home, georgie & pop!

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Friday, May 14, 2010

sea ya!

the wdb soon will have all 18 feet on land again. we've only heard from georgie & pop a handful of times - allegedly it's "really expensive" or "coverage is bad" - but clearly they're surviving in the absence of offspring induced commotion. it appears pop even made a couple new friends...

fi & i have successfully parented without their a-sittin'-stance for 7 consecutive days. big deal for mimi, not so much for her super momma sista...who gets major props for feeding us at least two delicious home cooked meals this week.

best of all, i have black & white proof that the cruisers are rested and ready to take on some grandchirren watchin'...particularly during an upcoming wdb getaway:

soooo...mimi is busy configuring an extensive spa schedule to follow during said vacay. i'll book double, fi ;)

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

foam party

the kiddo was borderline deathly afraid of whirpools until georgie somehow convinced him to splish splash in her tub a couple weeks ago. cue the beginning of henro's campaign to use the monstrosity that's been so sadly underused at home...and, therefore, in desperate need of undergoing the miserable cleaning-out-the-system process. one hour plus cascade. i recommend initiating the fun before 9pm.  seriously.

nonetheless, the little prince got his way. shocker, i know.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

bookin' it

"i run with a fabulous circle of people."  yes, i stole jill zarin's opening line, but it's just so true.  and while my circles are many & all over the place, some intersect each other, and a couple look more like pretzels at times, i absolutely love my people.  sadly, i don't see many of 'em nearly enough, but i'm blessed with a guarantee of hanging with several o' my chickadees on a monthly basis...9 months out of the year...on a tuesday night.  junior league.  yes, i'm one of "those."  and no, "those" are not at all like what civilians often assume...well, mostly...but we'll save that for another day, another entry.  or not.

anywho...we've just marked the end of another league year & celebrated lotsa accomplishments & the passing of gavels, batons, etc at our annual dinner.  in my case, it was the passing of a wooden spoon, per se.  which is kinda scary considering mimi doesn't cook...yet now she's in charge of the entire cookbook committee!!  who the heck made that placement decision?!? seriously.  still, i think i'm ready, and i owe it all to the fabulous JLL women i've worked & played with the past couple of years.

thanks for an amazing year, my fabulous friends!  hugs & kisses & love to you all...muah!

now...who wants to buy a cookbook????