Saturday, September 10, 2011


henro has officially begun his career as a participant in organized sports.  despite being a bit toasty out & someone throwing mini-meltdowns exhibiting attitude issues, i suppose an overall good time was had.  
i heart #5.
#5's cheerleaders
fantabulous sportsmanship.
WTG, team!
yay!!  it's over!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

how many days til summer?

wowzer.  starting kindergarten is hard work!  not since henro was a newborn do i recall ever being so miserably terribly ridonkulously exhausted & busy & stressed.  before anyone says a word...yes, i do realize 99% of my fatigue is no one's fault but my own, but it's largely due to an awful speech impediment:  i struggle saying the word NO.  

there, i admitted it.  and i'm working on it...but i need some intense psychotherapy help:  until further notice, please refrain from asking me to organize, chair, plan, craft, crusade or collaborate on anything more than i've already got my hands in.  they bees quite full enuff already.  

thanks for your cooperation,
the management :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


week one of school, almost final score...

mimi - 1*
life - 2457888766542

*sympathy point earned for surviving

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Thursday, August 18, 2011


it's been a big week. a huge week. i got home from the hospital with my newborn son, blinked my eyes & he started kindergarten. craziness (and maybe just a teeny exaggeration of the actual birth-to-k time frame).
slightly eager for his first day, all 2.5 hours of it.
welcomed back by "the boss of the school"
s'up, dude?!? how was your summer? i missed you!
find cubby: check.
choose folder: check.
self portrait...
that's all to report from kinderview.  twas a short day, but a great one, and i'm OHHH SOOO emotionally wrecked heavy-hearted proud of my big boy :)
star of my world

Friday, August 12, 2011

tee gee eye

friday!  happy weekend to you & yours :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, August 11, 2011

act two

new year's resolution:  resume blog.  


lenten goal (in addition to other MUCH more lenten-appropriate promises):  resume blog.  

fail fail.

summer plan:  survive have fun with henro.  blog schmog.  (huh?)

success.  yay, me :)

enough messing around.  back to business.  butt in gear.  nose to the grind.  whatever...the vow is to spend at least an hour a week working to redeem myself and resume sharing way more details about my kiddo and our perspectives on this crazy world than anyone needs/cares/wants to know.  (luckily, to my knowledge, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing the read.  just sayin'.)

being the busy lunatic i tend to be, one might wonder how the hay i plan to squeeze in blogging amidst the glamorously riveting life i lead.  easy peasy:  i'm gonna force myself to take much needed breaks from all my ironing, slaving over a hot stove, scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning baseboards and weeding flower beds.  you can stop laughing now.  seriously.  stop.

ok, so maybe since my last NOVEMBER (!!!)...i haven't become any more domesticated, but i have been going 4782937682907289067484950 mph doing lots of other stuff. and, while i still have lotsa stuff on my plate, i've decided to allocate a little "free" time on thursday nights to writing.  were i a mathlete, the equation might look something like this...

henro + little gym class = (mimi @ coffee or book shop) * one hour

stay tuned.  it's good to be back.