Thursday, November 25, 2010

lotsa buttuh

i am incredibly blessed to have spent another thanksgiving pigging out feasting on cornbread dressing, candied yams, green bean casserole, "punkin" pie, roast, rice & gravy, apple cake, crab & eggplant casserole, pecan pie and - of course - our annual jambalaya stuffed butterball...the same delicious meal i've savored on all of my thirty-five turkey days, a spread my grandmother begins preparing weeks in advance with lots of love and at least 7482906289 sticks of butter.  and, although he ate way more kitkats & dumdums than gobbler & gravies, i'm thankful beyond the moon that my kiddo gets to know & love & share the same holiday traditions i've cherished since childhood.  the food is fantastic & abundant, but the presence of four generations is a gift without measure!

henro's first fanksgiving (try saying that 10x!)...
"free" great-grandsons
it's a girl!  FINALLY!!!

2010 pics???  fail.  well, semi-fail :(  mimi was unable to assemble the munchkins for a group shot with mama, but i did snap random pics throughout the day...which i will share once i've had a chance to upload.  right now i've got a date with henro, the couch & dvr'd chuck brown.  

happy black friday!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

oh em

gee. "g" is for gobble...

my lil turkey
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


apologies to our AES friends whose fave playground area is the sand.  it appears most of it was relocated to removed by my child today...

the nametag borders on impressive because it's worn around henro's houdini's neck.

hocus pocus :)

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Monday, November 8, 2010


this week henro's class is learning all about fanksgiving (yes, he's still having issues wiff "th" words. no, it doesn't bah-ver me!)

today's project:

and our exchange as i pulled it from his backpack:

cool! did you make this today?

"yeah, it's a ninja."


on to tonight's homework assignment...fill in the pre-printed card & return it to school:

apparently now we're on a first name basis. really?

as for me, today and EVERY day, i'm fankful for my precious little monster sidekick.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010


"guess what momma.  bunkie talked to me one time and he said that if he would die he would still love me."

henro visited the farm today for the first time since sweet bunkie moved to heaven.  i wasn't there (mainly because i was too chicken to see how it would go down), but tonight has been full of questions and tears.  not liking this part of being a mom, watching my baby hurt & knowing there's absolutely nothing i can do to fix what happened.  on the flip side, i'm immensely proud that amidst our sob-fest henro asked if we could pray for bunkie.  so we did :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

blame it on the rain

bailey boo, my mom's my cocker spaniel who's lived with georgie & pop most of his 13 years, has been staying with us the past several weeks.  his extended visit initiated not long after our beloved bunkie moved much further north than cheneyville (rip, sweet boy), and henry has loved having a four-legged friend to terrorize play with at home, so i really have no complaints about our houseguest.  in fact, he's been lots of fun and, on numerous instances, kicks up the entertainment factor around here...

"hey, mom.  we're playing limbo."  seriously?
today's weather kept henro's blonde "brudder" stuck inside for most of the day, and early this evening my lil man discovered & reported to me that a lil accident (of the potty nature) had occurred in the sunroom...

"uh oh.  is it ok, mom?  do you need spray stuff?"

it's ok, it was just an accident & really wasn't his fault.  poor bailey boo was cooped up for a long time today because of the rain.  it's not his fault.

"so it was god's fault?"

technically, i suppose we could point fingers at our heavenly father & his friend mo'nature, but i didn't have the energy nor creativity to go there on such a terribly gloomy, halloween hangover of a day. not to mention, it's probably not best practice to lay blame on such powerful peeps.  

who dat

happy all saints day :)