Wednesday, August 18, 2010

kay four

henro's school year is off to a fantastic start!  i've received such great reports from his teacher the past two days that i'm almost questioning if she's got the right kid pegged as mine.  perfect behavior.  listens & follows instructions.  sits still.  HUH?!?!?!  assuming she is, in fact, talkin bout my monster little darling, i'm majorly proud.  

now for a pictorial account of day one o' unabridged pictorial account.  lol ;)

check.  check.  check.  now for the fun part...
master henro, this is your wakeup call.
he's entirely too happy in the morning to be my child.  seriously.
mama's boy.  oh, how i love him so!!
henro has left the building.
let's roll.
ta dah!
scouting new turf
henro's PRECIOUS teacher.  we already love her!
yay!  a new friend (and snappy dresser).  cue mom's exit.
fast forward 5.5 hours...during which time i breakfasted (huh?) with several great new mom friends, got my p+ev on, finished up some junior league & just ducky shenanigans work, and made at least one cc's run.  solo productivity is a beautiful thing. 

bring on car line...or not.  georgie & mimi parked and retrieved the star student on foot...
hey, there!  how was your day?  did you make some new
friends? what did you learn?  was it fun?  did you eat lunch?
you know the drill...
"georgie, why are you here?"  asked in the nicest of ways, of course.
cheese!!! speaking of...let's hit mcd's, i'm hungry!
from start to finish, it was a great day!  well, except for the parts when i felt as though both arms were missing and sobbed my eyes out.  that kinda sucked.  BUT...i survived and couldn't be prouder of my big boy!
the love of my life.  i heart you, sweet boy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

tis the season!

need tickets?  i got 'em!

click HERE for more info regarding this year's market

click HERE to drop me an email to request tickets

Monday, August 16, 2010


the more things change, the more things remain the same...
august 2008 - first day o' prek-3
august 2009 - first day of prek-4 point five
(aka:  prek-4 one half...prek-4 practice run...etc)
august 2010 - first day of prek-4

we'll eventually have to switch the "who's holding who" scenario.  or maybe not...depends how dedicated i remain to the whole pilates plus evolution thing.  for now i'm holding strong.  pun intended :)

stay tuned, as a more in depth "first day o' school" post is forthcoming...i just need to find my brain.  ahh sooooooo ridonkulously tired!!!!!!  

Sunday, August 15, 2010

school daze

can someone, anyone, please essplain what happened to summer?  once upon a time it lasted three months, but i swear july did NOT happen this year.  it was june, i blinked my eyes, and now it's the night before school starts.  so uncool, father time (the geezer is clearly in cahoots with mo' nature, that evil bish who apparently thinks "sauna" is an appropriate weather condition.  seriously.)

nonetheless, as my pint sized monster precious little angel sleeps soundly beside me on his first official "school night," i thought i'd take a stroll down em-ry lane and relive some cherished moments from his start o' school daze past...

pk3 or bust.  classroom visi-tay-tay day.  ready, teddy?
we came.  we saw.  we smiled.  A+ for henro.
packed & ready for first real day of school...
"day" being from the crack o' dawn (7:20am!) til 11:30am
milestone moment:  immediately after snapping this
pic i burst into tears leaving the playground.  true story.

on a related side note:  08.14.08 was not only henro's very first day of school, twas also the day he attended his very first concert.  true to my ridonkulous, always sometimes over the top nature, he experienced another first at the show...seats on the very first row!

super fans at the superdome

back to's 11:52pm on a school night.  GO TO BED, ME!

stay tuned for details from day one of prek-4...i'll try to remember to snap a few pics ;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

return to sender

henro's newest "thing" is a fascination with death.  awesome, huh?  just what i wanna deal with on top of the 6789304567 other items of nonsense on my mind these days.  now i've got a kid who, at any given moment & completely outta the blue, throws me zingers related to the grim reaper.

"do you have to take baths any more after you die?"

"can we all go together?  our whole family?"

"do you get to take all your toys with you?"

and on and on and on.  everything from what you can do "there" to questions about family members we've lost (yet he never knew!!) over the past several years.  freaky, creepy stuff.

lunatic that i am, i start wondering about theoretical sixth senses and whether my child is preparing either himself or me to deal with something tragic looming in our future.  though, at the moment, i feel a bit less paranoid.

after tonight's bath, the kiddo started randomly asking more who, what, where's related to the afterworld, and (yet again) i questioned his motives...

"because pop told me about elvis."

so there you have it.  wait, huh?

on a related note:  currently, henro's 2010 halloween costume frontrunner is the king.  ranked an extremely close second?  the king of pop.  both are his selections.  yes, really.

Monday, August 2, 2010

junior quackin'

i realize lately i've been a smidge less chatty on this here blog.  rest assured, we're still alive & kickin', mimi simply has 7829067289607 projects underway between junior league and just ducky.  if i get through this saturday's JLL cookbook workshop without accidentally pulling out a fabric swatch, it'll be a miracle :)

while i'm at it, i might as well throw in a couple plugs...
click HERE to check out just ducky's latest collection
(lafayette trunk show later this month...stay tuned!)
click HERE to order an award winning JLL cookbook