henro 1
mimi 0
tgif? seriously.
Friday, April 30, 2010
yes, u can pull it. i'm fairly certain he's done (or will do) somefing to deserve it...

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Location:cousins' casa
til we drop
this might come as a complete shock, but i kinda dig online shopping. accordingly, i've found myself upon many, many, MANY email distribution lists for notifications of special sales, coupon codes, and the always irritating, "hey, remember us? come spend some money, we have stuff!"
as mother's day nears (may 9th...a week from sunday for those of you with less than great memory banks), my inbox is flooded with lots of deals for the upcoming holiday (plus a few non-mom deals here & there). i looooooooove to share a great deal, so here goes...
fabulous lotions & potions. their sugar scrubs are to die for.
my fave scents are "sugar kiss" and "brown sugar souffle"
please disregard the use of kate gosselin in their ad
(although, she is a mom & prolly needs the extra
dough to feed allllllll those lil faces o' hers...
dancin' didn't work out, after all).
it's a great site for designer jeans & 20% off kinda rocks.
i heart just ducky. it's a GREAT children's line & employs some fabulous moms as sales representatives & area coordinators. lol ;)
guest stars
i'm pleased to announce the addition of a few contributors...so you'll not only be subjected to my household chaos, but a couple sweet friends of mine have agreed to let me share some of their "material." these women are hilarious, incredible mothers. to my utter amazement & unlike my solo kiddo status, they somehow manage to survive life with multiple munchkins. names will be omitted to protect the innocent. here's a little taste of what goes down in their worlds...
- child a: "mom I want to go ride my big wheel." honey, it is raining and cold. "well we could wear a rain jacket." child b: "no, I will sing a rain song and it will make the rain go away." a: "no, the rain will not listen to you because you are being bossy!" b: "mom, (he) called me bossy"
- "mom you look beautiful...if you look beautiful for me whole week, i'll give you my money" ...ummm we need to talk about some womens lib...
- "mommy, do you know what love is? it's never putting your kids in time-out."
- me (while pointing to a scratch on his hand): "where'd that come from?" "mommy, I'll tell you where I got that. i got it when a dragon bit me." mystery solved.
- grandad: "Jesus is the reason for the season." kiddo: "yeah, Jesus rose from the dead to do the eggs."
i hope your weekend if off to a better start than mine. it's terribly cloudy here & the kid is attempting to hammer & saw my legs with toy tools. no, they don't hurt nearly as badly as the real deals. yes, they're still gonna leave a mark. great.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
four eyes
pimp his ride
ami haskell
thirsty thursday
mimi CAN'T WAIT to go to rhythms on the river this evening. i think marcia ball is this week's entertainment. for all i care, it could be joe blow playing "music" with a wooden spoon & magnalite pot. momma just needs a cocktail & some time with friends (she also needs to stop referring to herself in third person, but that's another issue for another day).
why am i so weary at this point? more weary than usual, i must add. let's take a stroll down this week's facebook wall...
- "momma is really frustrated right now...do you want me to lose my patience & cry?"....without hesitation, "uh huh"....seriously???? (side note: i was finally driven to tears on wednesday night. boy watched for a couple minutes, then hugged onto my legs. sweet, but too little too late. momma was beyond done at that point.)
- mom of the year qualification #58920748926: henro's 4 year well checkup has yet to occur. he's now closer to (age) 5 than 4.
- "whatcha doin?" huh? "whatcha lookin' at?'...so now i can't even look out my window without an inquisition. perfect.
- thisclose to losing it. the boy wasn't enough, so iphoto decided to join the "let's suck up what remains of em's patience" campaign.
- love being interrogated by a 4 1/2 yr old after my phone conversations. raise your hand if you know pig latin...otherwise, please contact me via text or fb or email until the lil sucker learns to read.
- "what means die?" oh, dear lord. so much for a mindless friday nite watching 'toons & playing wwf*
just a sampling. my stomach actually hurts from reading through the entire week. cheers.
*words with friends...the latest iphone app i'm hooked on.
georgie took us to the picture show last night. if you haven't seen "how to train your dragon" yet, GEAUX! i fink mimi loved it even more than henro. that's kinda huge considering her original wednesday nite movie plan involved a date with kenny* in 3d, not a bunch of vikings & mythical creatures...
*for those who've been under a rock, mimi is sort of a fan of kenny chesney. random bit of trivia: henro's very first concert was kenny. age "one month shy of 3." front row. yes, you read that correctly.
rut roh
9:17am. kiddo awake, not yet out of bed. given the rockiness of his behavior the past couple days & momma's fragile mental state, i tentatively ask, "are u gonna be good today?"
matter of fact glance back at me. "why do i have to be good today?"
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
notable quotable
since the lil rascal spouts out wisdom at random throughout the day, and more some days than others, i'm finking i'll just post a continuously updated list every few days. here goes:
- during play with their 726894047829 action figures this afternoon, henro to boo boo: "iss not the blue mercedes spiderman." huh?
- "pop used to be a rockstar." no idea where that one came from. maybe pop's been revealing some deep dark secrets to henro when they spend the afternoon together?
more to come...
good morning
just thought i'd start the day off on a peacefully sweet note. boo boo and ami are heading over in about 45 minutes, so i'm savoring a little silence before the littles arrive & henro kick starts into action...
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UPDATE: plans changed. henro & mimi travelled to the relatives' house to do our cousin sittin' over there. ami is currently bouncing in her jumperoo, watching the boys run amuck & likely wondering "what the heck is wrong with those two...and what did i do to deserve this?!?"
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
the past couple days have been ridonkulously long & hard & challenging & flat out mentally exhausting. i've teetered on the edge of completely losing it more times than i care to admit (see facebook if you wanna count), and i'm convinced i'll require blood pressure meds by week's end if the momentum continues. all that said, precious moments still occur, always in the nick of time.
just a few minutes ago, as i was struggling to shampoo the wiggle worm, he started belting out the opening song from the "lightmen nuh queen" movie...smiling his best smile & looking me straight in the eyes as he totally butchered the sheryl crowe tune in his precious little voice. tears flooded to my eyes (as they are now as i touch type) & a huge lump filled my throat. he's not gonna be little forever & it's going by way too fast. i've gotta savor the moments, regardless how frustrating some might be. cheesy as that song goes, i really am gonna miss all this some day!
post bath shenanigans:
post bath shenanigans:
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junior ducky
fi gets loads of credit for this one, as i didn't hear it with my own ears, but she's definitely earned ample street cred in the area of regurgitating henro-isms :)
anywho...it seems most of my "extra" (lmao) time is devoted to doing work for either junior league or just ducky originals. momma goes to lots of meetings & hauls & displays & orders lots of clothes, so it's easy to see how the lines between my volunteer and "work" endeavors might get hazy in the mind of a four year old.
not long ago, shortly after receiving my spring/summer just ducky orders, henro was sporting one of his new outfits & fi commented to him that she liked his shirt. i still laugh when i imagine him responding to her...
"fanks, my mom got it at the junior league."
not a good day. i repeat, not a good day. for momma, that is. boy is providing loads of material at my expense, but patience is at negative 782906. fun times. just sayin'
Monday, April 26, 2010
summertime is almost here...
mimi, fi and KENNY!!!!!!!!!! just a tad essited.

ps. yes, there's an app for that.
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although many of you are familiar with the players & language in my world, i felt compelled to compile an abridged glossary for those who aren't as clued in (or mimi-savvy)...
- henro: my child's name is henry (duh), but somewhere along the way we started calling him henro. not all of us, not all the time. he gets "henry james" a lot these days. that's not a good thing.
- mimi: dat's me! a nickname only my maternal grandparents have used throughout my 29 (wink, wink) years, has been revived since i became an aunt/godmother. i heart little voices saying "mimi." well, except when they're saying "mimi, not talka you!" and the like. (side note: if you are not part of the short list already allowed to call me mimi, don't start. i won't answer & it grates on my nerves BIG TIME. really. i'm not kiddin')
- fi: pronounced "fee." my fabulous sister. since i was mimi, our grandfather labeled her "fifi" at birth. it only seemed appropriate (and a tad mortifying to mom). use of the name has been sporadic throughout her 29 (wink, wink) years, yet seems to be her most widely used handle as an adult. despite continuous efforts to instate "nanny" for henro's purposes, she remains his fi. i kinda dig it.
- boo boo: christian. my adorable godchild & fi's firstborn. henro's partner in crime & bestest bud. for all practical purposes, my second child, born two years & one week after my first. he's full of personality & says lots of hilarious stuff. love him to pieces.
- ami: amelie. the precious little angel who entered our lives in october oh nine. my daughter. ok, not really, but i play like she is for the fun stuff. she really belongs to boo boo and fi and uncle blake. mimi has LOTS of great things in store for ami in the years to come! for now, i just spoil her & admire the cuteness. hopefully she'll start bossing the boys around before too long. they kinda need it.
- georgie & pop: god's gift to grandchildren. parents of fi & mimi. they rock. mimi would be locked up or in a psych ward were it not for their frequent assistance with henro. they live 1.5 miles from mi casa. score.
- the wdb: "whole damn bunch." collectively, the above mentioned characters plus two son in-laws. sometimes includes mama ("maw maw"...georgie's mom, mimi & fi's g'mother, great g'mother to the littles). lots of wdb outings occur, 99% typically foster blog-worthy material. stay tuned.
(wdb minus henro & boo boo)
- fink & fanks: "think & thanks." henro has issues with "th" words. it's kinda cute. for now. we'll reevaluate if he's still "finking" at age twelve.
- yook & yammie: "look & lammie." boo boo has issues with "l" words. again, kinda cute. side note: yammie is boo boo's security item, a sweet lamb blanket thingy.
(boo boo & yammie)
that'll do. you're gonna have to wing it from here.
testing..one, two, free...
this post is two-fold (bifold?)...first, to test posting from my phone. guess it worked? second, to share a baffling experience. getting henro in the tub has become a nightly battle. once in, he's good, sometimes even difficult to get out. but getting in = no fun. usually involves chase, threats, bribes, calls to santa (or fi or georgie if a surprise worthy occasion is forthcoming). tonight? momma announced it's bath time. "no." momma said "one" in stern voice, boy stops in tracks. "two" and he's half naked in the tub. ah lay lou yer. not sure how or why it worked, and it might be a one hit wonder fluke, but I'll take it. now to work on getting him OUT before he withers into a jabberjawed prune...